Start Your Engines: Pro Tips for First-Time Race Fans

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Our first tip? Arrive early! 看看这些建议,帮助你计划在康科德的终极纳斯卡比赛周末, North Carolina.

April 13, 2023

race cars

Whether you’re attending the Coca-Cola 600 in the spring or Bank of America ROVAL 400 在秋天,前往卡巴鲁斯县观看比赛的第一个建议是提前几天到达! As the home of premier motorsports entertainment, 在夏洛特赛车场的主要赛事之前,这里有如此多的赛车遗产和兴奋的体验.


race car and trophy in museum

Get the Backstory

从回顾一下这项运动的历史开始你的旅程. 2023 is the 75th Anniversary of NASCAR, 以及遍布卡巴拉斯县和周边地区的赛车博物馆,展示了多年来影响赛车的壮观汽车和无畏的车手.

The Curb Motorsports Museum 让你一窥Dale Earnhardt驾驶的汽车, Richard Petty and other racing trailblazers. 在康科德,漫步于1.8万平方英尺的汽车纪念品 Morrison Motor Car Museum 去寻找老式的游乐设施,还有一家摆满纳斯卡相关商品的礼品店. At the NASCAR Hall of Fame 在夏洛特,通过身临其境的展览和赛车模拟器,赛车的刺激变得栩栩如生.

race car on display

Explore Race Shops

Get a glimpse of the sport’s past, 现在和未来通过参观设施,这一切都汇集在一起. 大约90%的纳斯卡赛车队的总部都设在这个地区,许多车队都免费欢迎游客. At most team shops, 你会在大厅里看到展示,有些人甚至有机会在一个特殊的观看区观看车队为比赛日准备赛车. Use the list 卡巴鲁斯县,北卡罗来纳州的目的地指南,计划您的旅行 Hendrick Motorsports, RFK Racing, Stewart-Haas Racing, Trackhouse Racing 还有一些人想看看车队是如何全年努力将单圈时间缩短几秒的.

选择比赛商店也举办特别活动的球迷在康科德比赛周末, 所以一定要关注你最喜欢的球队的社交媒体频道,了解更多细节. Have a question? Call or stop by the Visitor Center 拿起您的指南副本和其他有用的信息,包括当前比赛商店时间的列表.

Dale Earnhardt statue

Visit a NASCAR Legend’s Hometown

在他的后院了解纳斯卡最大的传奇. Dale Earnhardt Sr. 他在卡纳波利斯长大,他的遗产一直流传到卡巴拉斯县.

In the heart of downtown, Dale Earnhardt Tribute Plaza stands as a memorial to The Intimidator. Here, 这座9英尺高的青铜雕像的中心被一个充满意义的宁静公园所环绕. 还有雕刻的砖块和由粉丝捐赠的花岗岩纪念碑, 恩哈特的生活和事业在公园里随处可见. Among them, benches are in groups of three, 七个台阶下到广场,代表他的每一个杯赛冠军, and the oval plaza walkway represents a racetrack.

woman inside race car

Get Behind the Wheel

体验赛车的刺激感觉就像在整个皇冠hg0088正网网址驾驶体验. From open wheel to exotic cars, Charlotte Motor Speedway has racing schools of all kinds. 检查日历,找到在赛道上可用的股票汽车体验,包括纳斯卡赛车体验, Richard Petty驾驶体验和Rusty Wallace赛车体验, then reserve your ride along or driving adventure. 每次驾驶体验都是从课堂教学开始的,然后是驾驶时纯粹的肾上腺素激增.

Prefer something with a little less horsepower? K1 Speed 在康科德特色全电动室内卡丁车比赛与超级赛道, the longest of any K1 Speed course.

race fans at Charlotte Motor Speedway

Take it All in at the Track

在卡巴鲁斯县的独家赛马景点设置舞台后, you’ll have a whole new perspective on race day. At Charlotte Motor Speedway,安顿在一个充满乐趣的一天的家庭友好的娱乐和心脏跳动的赛车动作.


  • Know Before You Go: Download the Charlotte Motor Speedway app 你需要的所有信息都在你的指尖,包括地图,时刻表,和你的票. The app also links to a Fan Guide with FAQ 这涵盖了所有的事情,从带什么,停车和方向,等等.
  • Opt for Add-Ons:购买赛前赛道通行证,在比赛前进入赛道,并在比赛前的庆祝活动中获得最好的座位,如音乐会和车手介绍.
  • Gear Up根据天气穿衣服,并确保为所有船员带上耳塞或降噪耳机. 租一台扫描仪在整个比赛过程中收听比赛.
  • Arrive Early:在比赛当天尽早到达赛道,参加赛道外的家庭友好粉丝区. 停在探索卡巴鲁斯范面包车区域信息和当地餐馆的建议, shops and more to complete your perfect race weekend.
service members hold flags during military tribute

Book Your Stay


该地区是家里的各种酒店和露营地从轨道分钟包括大使馆套房高尔夫度假村 & Spa, Great Wolf Lodge, and Camping World Racing Resort. Find perfect lodging options for your crew in the heart of NASCAR country.

Information at your fingertips.

Need info on the go? 浏览网上旅游指南,了解更多有关餐厅的详情, attractions, shops, parks, museums and more.

Destination Guide